
Fanpage vs. Funpage!

A short video showing the difference between the two words :) (in Polish)

Remember "fun" is not pronounced the same way as "fan" :)
And in my opinion this is why so many people make this mistake in Poland :(
Oh well... maybe my vid will change that :)

Have any more examples? Ideas? frustrations? Don't hesitate to post them :)


Rozmowa na podst. materiału stym. Matura ustna 2012

Here is the last part of my "Matura Emergency" series for this year :)
Keeping my fingers crossed for you guys!

And remember - your result is due to your hard work! You keep thanking me for ALL that help :)
I really didn't do that much :) It's your accomplishment :)
You baked the cake, I merely topped it with a little cherry :) Or perhaps added the icing :)


Motivating myself :)

Hi guys!
Today a gobbledygook video about self-motivation and preparing oneself for an event/occasion etc.
Now I will tell you something about myself.... It's a secret...

I've wanted to start my driver's course since September last year when I came back from the States.
But I am the type of person that needs time to process a lot of information and, more accurately, I need to find time and motivation to enroll.
So I wanted to, but was too lazy to actually do the first step. :)
However, I am the type of person that makes decision REALLY quickly when I must or am forced to.
For example during my university years (I miss them!) when there was one (!) day left to apply for another major (spanish Philology) and no time to lose, I managed to get all the papers, take some necessary photographs of my horrible face, fill in all the paperwork and officially apply.
If I had had more than a day (like maybe two weeks), I probably would not have done anything, and never would have enrolled!

The same thing was with this driver's course. As I was saying, I wanted to but had no motivation.
Then one of my work buddies (another English teacher) said she had just enrolled and was waiting for the first class. She asked me to join (as we spoke about the necessity of having a licence the month before) and having NO TIME to make up my mind, I decided "what the hell! It's time!" and did it :)

How is it with you guys? Do you need to force yourselves to get somewhere?
Do you need someone to push you a bit?
For me it's basically about the first step - and then I either get involved or not :)

And if you haven't seen the video yet, here it is :


Rozmowa na podstawie ilustracji - Matura Ustna 2012

how to describe the photograph in task 2? how to answer questions afterwards? What kind of questions can I expect?

The answers are all in this video :) In Polish :)

Rozmowa z odgrywaniem roli - "chmurki" - Matura Ustna 2012

If you only know me through this site, there is another Matura Video out there :)
I'm examining tomorrow myself, will see how it goes :)


Rozmowa Wstępna - Oral Matura!

Hello my dear readers!
Today an addition to my Polish/ English video on YT.
You can naturally watch thru my blog as well :)

 Here are some questions and simple answers.
How would you elaborate and create something more complex and automatically something that would give you more points?


Question: What music do you listen to?


Answer: I listen to rock n' roll , sometimes rap.

 BETTER REPLY (using very easy grammar!) 

Answer: (Let me think...) It depends on my mood. For example when I am sad and depressed I usually listen to rock or pop. This cheers me up. Sometimes I'm in a more romantic mood, then I listen to classical music - Tchaikovsky is my favorite. Finally, when I am happy and cheerful I listen to ballads as they never bring me down.

(I used present simple and very easy adjectives like sad, depressed, happy, cheerful. Of course the more difficult your speech the better! But this is an excellent improvement to the one above!)

(try to make these answers as long as possible)

1. Where do you live?
2. Do you have any siblings? How do you get along?
3. Do you celebrate any events in your family?
4. What do you do when you come home from school?
5. Have you ever worked during the holidays?  (remember to lie! if you haven't! you need to show off vocabulary!!!)
6. what house work do you do around the house?
7.What is your favorite dish?
8. Have you ever been seriously ill? ( lie!)
9. what is the most expensive thing you have ever bought?
10. what have you recently seen in the cinema?



Uploading to youtube is my new video from yet another trip! This time to Edinburgh! I am truly enchanted with this city though it was freakishly cold! But i love the Scots (even the kilts), I love buildings... I will post at least three parts of my adventure so stay tuned.



My dear readers (if you are even here...)
I present you with part I of my Washington adventure that I had with Jarek in August 2011.
I have some time on my hands (because of being sick) and wanted to swim in some precious memories from the past. :) I always wanted to edit the video material I had from Washington but didn't have the time nor inspiration.
Well it changed today :)

Without further ado here it is:

Stay tuned for part II tomorrow :)


Matura Emergency! [opinion essay]

Hello everyone!
I plan on recording a whole video about how to write an essay (rozprawka) on Matura rozszerzona. With tips what words to use etc.
For now I will give you just this post with two sample essays. Enjoy! I hope you find it useful!

There are two types of essays on MR:
  • For/against essay
  • Opinion essay   

Wyraź swoją opinię na temat posiadania zwierzęcia w domu.

Animals have been part of man’s life since the dawn of time. Cats in Ancient Egypt were the symbol of pharaohs, dogs – the help with hunting. But what happens when an animal is locked up in an apartment? Shouldn’t it be free? I believe keeping pets in an apartment is a marvelous idea.

First of all, You are never alone. Coming home after work to an empty apartment is depressing. To have a pet greet you and crave your attention, could seriously boost your self-esteem. After all, people feel needed when they know someone is waiting for them.

What is more, they are also excellent company: they always listen, never judge, and love you no matter what you do.

Furthermore, owning a pet is great exercise. You need to walk the dog, so you go out and get some fresh air. Also, you need to plan ahead and always include some time off with the pet so that it does not feel lonely. Consequently, you also relax.

On the other hand, keeping an apartment clean is extremely difficult. For instance, long-haired cats or dogs shed during the summer, so the owner needs to vacuum more. Grooming the pet can be messy as well.

All in all, although there are drawbacks to keeping a pet in an apartment and it might sometimes be difficult to take care of it, I still think life without a furry little animal beside you is empty and everyone should try to have a loyal friend like that in their life.



1)  It is good to include rhetorical questions. You give the essay a bit more action.

2) The essence of every essay are linking words. THE MORE THE BETTER! That is why always remember to put some in each paragraph to:
  1. introduce an argument, 
  2. give more arguments, 
  3. give examples,
  4. give an opposite agrument,
  5. give a conclusion
There a A LOT of linking words to choose from, if you want me to make you a list. Write a comment. :)

3) Because this is an Opinion Essay - you state your opinion in the introduction. Follow the essay according to your views and then sum up with your opinion again. 

The rule is to have about (about) 3 arguments that agree with your opinion and one counter argument to balance it out. So for example:

INTRO:                (+)     or     (-) 
ARGUMENT 1   (+)     or     (-)
ARGUMENT 2   (+)     or     (-)
ARGUMENT 3   (+)     or     (-)
ARGUMENT 4   (-)     or      (+) 
CONCLUSION:  (+)     or     (-)  

What phrases to use?   [YOUR PHRASE]
  • In my opinion....
  • I strongly believe that....
  • I think that....
  • I believe that...
  • I have a strong opinion that....
  • To me...
  • My views are....
In this essay you are allowed to be more emotional and use language to your advantage because the task of the essay is "state YOUR opinion about" :)

4. INTRO and CONCLUSION are similar. You give your opinion in the intro, and repeat it (in different words) in the conclusion. It is good use words like: 
  •  although there are drawbacks/advantages .... |
  • although there are pros and cons...                  |    [YOUR PHRASE]
  • I have stated both sides of the problem but.... |
  • there is disagreement between X and Y but    |
  • People do not seem to agree with X or Y  but |
5)  Grammar:
The better grammar you use the more points you have for "bogactwo językowe"

  • Start sentences with a verb: "To have a pet greet you and crave your attention, could seriously boost your self-esteem" (this is not a simple sentence! remember to have a second clause as well)
  • Start sentences with a gerund: "Grooming the pet can be messy."

  • Use linking words, also to give examples, reasons, and results of something: " Also, you need to plan ahead and always include some time off with the pet so that it does not feel lonely. Consequently, you also relax."
    (Doesn't this sentence look better than: "
    you need to plan ahead and always include some time off with the pet"?)
    By adding more info and having more elaborate sentences, you will be given more points!

Wait for the video on YT to be posted soon :D  Link
How to write for/against essay 

Matura Emergency! [for/against Essay]

Hello everyone!
I plan on recording a whole video about how to write an essay (rozprawka) on Matura rozszerzona. With tips what words to use etc.
For now I will give you just this post with two sample essays. Enjoy! I hope you find it useful!

There are two types of essays on MR:
  • For/against essay
  • Opinion essay 

Napisz rozprawkę na temat wad i zalet posiadania zwierzęcia w domu.

Animals have been part of man’s life since the dawn of time. Cats in Ancient Egypt were the symbol of pharaohs, dogs – the help with hunting. But what happens when an animal is locked up in an apartment? Shouldn’t it be free? Many people debate this subject.

Firstly, it is common knowledge that big animals need a lot of space  to feel truly comfortable.  If you put a huge dog in a tiny apartment, both the owner and the dog will feel trapped and out of space. Secondly, keeping that apartment clean will be extremely difficult. For instance, long-haired cats or dogs shed during the summer, so the owner would need to vacuum more. Additionally, one needs to realize  that animals  tend to destroy things, so an adorable kitten might scratch somebody’s favorite sofa.

Yet, coming home after work to an empty apartment is highly depressing. To have a pet greet you and crave your attention, could seriously boost your self-esteem. After all, people feel needed when they know someone is waiting for them. On top of that, a pet is also great exercise! You need to walk the dog, so you go out and get some fresh air. Finally, many people have no problems with being cramped in a small apartment with a pet. On the contrary, they find it cozy.

All things considered, it is hard to say whether an animal should be kept in an apartment or not. There are both positive and negative approaches to this subject. The decision remains a matter of personal choice.

259 (word limit 200-250)


1)  It is good to include rhetorical questions. You still remain objective, but you give the essay a bit more action.

2) The essence of every essay are linking words. THE MORE THE BETTER! That is why always remember to put some in each paragraph to:
  1. introduce an argument, 
  2. give more arguments, 
  3. give examples,
  4. give an opposite agrument,
  5. give a conclusion
There a A LOT of linking words to choose from, if you want me to make you a list. Write a comment. :) 


Instead  you can use passive voice
  • "it is believed that..."
  • "it is common knowledge that...."
or use general terms:
  • Many people say...
  • Many people think...
  • Scientists claim that.... 
There is also a nice phrase with the word "one". 

Instead of using the generic "you" in  "you need to feed the cat" (meaning "people need to...")
you can say: "one needs to feed the cat"  - It is much more formal and advanced!
(ONE functions as third person singular so has an "s" at the end of verbs!)

4) INTRODUCTION and CONCLUSION is very similar as you can see. Remember to remain objective. The point of a for-against essay is to give an equal number of (+) and (-) and have a neutral introduction and conclusion. So phrases like:

  • "People debate this subject/problem"
  • "there is an equal amount of pros and cons of this situation"
  • " The are both negative and positive aspects to this subject"
are essential.
So the essay would look like this:
INTRO                     (+)/(-)=NEUTRAL
ARGUMENT 1        (+)    or    (-)
ARGUMENT 2        (+)    or    (-)
ARGUMENT 3        (+)    or    (-)
ARGUMENT 4        (-)    or    (+)
ARGUMENT 5        (-)    or    (+)
ARGUMENT 6        (-)    or    (+)

5) Grammar:
The better grammar you use the more points you have for "bogactwo językowe"

  • Use conditional sentences:  "If you put a huge dog in a tiny apartment, both the owner and the dog will feel trapped and out of space"
  •  Use  phrases with "one": " one needs to realize that that animals  tend to destroy things"
  • Start sentences with a verb: "To have a pet greet you and crave your attention, could seriously boost your self-esteem" (this is not a simple sentence! remember to have a second clause as well)
  • Start sentences with a gerund: "keeping that apartment clean will be extremely difficult."
  • use linking words, also to give examples, reasons, and results of something: " For instance, long-haired cats or dogs shed during the summer, so the owner would need to vacuum more."
    (Doesn't this sentence look better than: "long-haired cats or dogs shed during the summer"?) By adding more info and having more elaborate sentences, you will be given more points!

Wait for the video on YT to be posted soon :D  Link
How to write opinion essay 
